
Get real-time analytics

Analyze the way customers interact with embedded 3D assets.

Rendered analytics overview

Track Demographics

Country, browser and device information for all of your 3D embedded products.

Analyze Interaction

Track how customers use AR and QR codes when interacting with digitized products.

Conversion tracking

Track add to cart events compared to the views to accurately measure conversion.

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Track user and interaction data

Track users and how they interact with your digitized products directly from your account in the platform.

Embed Views

Embedded 3D assets are automatically tracked and you'll start receiving data as soon as they are added to product pages.


Both the interaction with AR, full-screen mode and QR code behaviour are tracked, so you'll know how customers use your 3D assets.

Add to cart

Add to cart events can also be tracked to give you accurate conversion data compared to the 3D and AR views.

Easy Google Analytics integration

Integrating Google Analytics with our 3D product viewers is straightforward and efficient. Businesses can track user interactions, from basic views to advanced AR engagements.

High speed page loading

Our analytics are tracked by files totaling 9kb in size, which means 3D viewers load quickly and user retention stays high.

Improve CRO with 3D and AR

Privacy focused tracking

Fully GDPR compliant, we don’t track or collect any user’s IP address or any other identifiable statistics.

Ready to learn more?

Book a demo with one of our 3D consultants to learn more about how you can integrate 3D and AR to improve CRO.

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