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Create an order

Create Order API

Using the Create Order API is the preferred approach when integrating the Rendered service in your application or platform. Creating an Order will automatically create the product within the Rendered platform for the specific user.

Note that when the Order has been created, the client will need to review and approve certain stages in the process within the Rendered app. Products can be retrieved through the API to give clients status updates and to download final output within your application or platform.

Payload format

The Content Type header should be set to application/json, and all product data and the parameters listed below should be provided in JSON format. See Example request for more details.

					Content-Type: application/json

Required parameters

					"product_name": "Sample product"

The product name will be used as the name for the product in the Rendered platform. This can be a name or SKU code. Although it is recommended to make this unique, it is not required.

Please note, that the Product Search endoint uses the name to search for products.

					"order_type": "standard OR fmcg"

Is is either a standard order or an FMCG order.

  • Standard items – Standard items include many different type of products such as furniture, home appliances, electronics, tools, sanitary ware, shoes, suitcases and bags.
  • Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) – also known as consumer packaged goods, include non-durable household goods such as packaged foods, beverages, toiletries, candies, cosmetics, over-the-counter drugs, dry goods, and other consumables.
					"product_type": "master OR model OR material"

There are 3 different types of products;

  • Master – This is usually the first product within a set. For example, a 2 seater sofa.
  • Model variation – This is a variation of a master product. For example, a 3 seater sofa.
  • Material variation – This is a color or material variation of either a master or model variation.
					"product_renders": "0 OR 1"

Optional additional output.

  • “0” if no product renders are required.
  • “1” if product renders are required.
					"spin360": "0 OR 1"

Optional additional output.

  • “0” if no 360 spin is required.
  • “1” if a 360 spin is required.
					"primary_image": "http(s)://"

The primary reference data (usually an image) is used to copy the structure and color for the various materials of the product. As mentioned, this is usually an image but can also for example be the AI artwork for an FMCG product.

The primary reference image can also be an archived file (such as a .zip file), in this case, please provide the primary/hero reference image to be used in the additional details field.

Optional parameters

					"master_orderid": "RDP-0000"

For either model variations or material variations, the master order ID should be included within the order data. This will allow the system to link the variations product automatically to the master product.

The master order ID can be found within the product data when using one of the GET endpoints for products.

					"product_url": "http(s)://"

If the product is already online you can also share the product URL. Rendered will then scrape the images and other related reference data from the PDP automatically.

					"length": "40"

The overal product length, in centimeters.

					"width": "40"

The overal product width, in centimeters.

					"height": "40"

The overal product height, in centimeters.

For "standard" orders it is required to provide Rendered with the overall dimensions of the product, this can be done by either using the length, width and height fields, or by supplying the measurements within the additional information for the order.

					"add_info": "Any additional information for the order / product can be inserted here"

Additional information for the order / product can be inserted here. For example, product metadata, additional dimensions, fabric/material specifics, etc.

					"ref_data": "http(s)://, http(s)://, http(s)://, http(s)://, http(s)://"

Additional reference data needs to be supplied as comma separated URLs (URLencoded). Although this is not a required field, we do need a minimum amount of reference data to be able to digitize a product.

Example request

Requests should include the Auth token and json payload for the order data, the required fields are highlighted below:

					POST HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Auth: Bearer 00QCjAl4MlV-WPXM...0HmjFx-vbGua

    "product_name": "Sample product",
    "order_type": "standard",
    "product_type": "master",
    "product_url": "",
    "length": "75",
    "width": "90",
    "height": "86",
    "product_renders": "1",
    "spin360": "0",
    "add_info": "Additional product data and/or comments from the client",
    "primary_image": "http(s)://"
    "ref_data": "http(s)://, http(s)://, http(s)://, http(s)://, http(s)://"

If a required field(s) is missing you will receive an error message including the field(s) that is missing:

    "status": false,
    "message": "Missing required fields: product_type, spin360"

On a successful response you will get confirmation that the order has been created with the Rendered order ID:

    "status": true,
    "message": "The new order has been sucessfuly created.",
    "order_id": 17758
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